Twenty-seven inmates passed Tawjihi exams, says PSD


Published: 2024-08-11 15:39

Last Updated: 2024-08-11 15:45

Twenty-seven inmates passed Tawjihi exams, says PSD
Twenty-seven inmates passed Tawjihi exams, says PSD

The Public Security Directorate (PSD) said that 27 inmates at rehabilitation centers successfully passed the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Tawjihi) for 2024.

Brig. Gen. Falah Al-Majali, Director of the Rehabilitation and Correction Centers Department, stated that the reform policies implemented by the PSD, especially its educational and rehabilitative programs, yield outstanding successes each year.

He added that inmates in the centers have full opportunities to reintegrate into normal life if they possess the desire and will. Being in a rehabilitation center is no longer a barrier to success but has become, for many, a reason to build a better future – according to Al-Majali.

He noted that 27 inmates achieved success after the centers, in coordination with the Ministry of Education, created suitable conditions within the centers, including opening four schools in various centers and appointing a liaison officer from the Ministry of Education to oversee issues related to inmates during their studies and exams across 15 examination halls in the centers.

He also mentioned that PSD Maj. Gen. Obaidallah Al-Maaytah instructed that families of passing inmates be allowed to communicate with them via phone and special visits.

Additionally, the Directorate will honor the successful inmates with an official ceremony to encourage them and motivate them to continue personal development and change.